What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain which precisely fit over the front surfaces of the teeth. The veneers have the unique ability to completely mask unattractive stains, fill in gaps, and straighten crooked teeth, while letting light through to appear entirely real. Like fake fingernails, they are affixed with an adhesive to the front surfaces of teeth.

What are the advantages?

Porcelain veneers solve the same types of problems as bonding – chips, gaps, stains, discolorations, and crooked teeth; however, the veneers have the additional advantage of strength and support. Veneers are relatively maintenance-free and are much more durable than bonding. If very dark stains need to be masked or if existing porcelain crowns need to be matched, porcelain veneers may be the treatment of choice.

Porcelain veneers require two office visits because of the laboratory work involved. Minimal shaping is required to create space for the veneer. Between visits, the patient wears provisional veneers, a kind of smile sculpture which allows us to choose the final result.